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Language certification in French universities: an attempt to bridge the gap between theory and practice
La certificación de idiomas en las universidades francesas: un intento de cerrar la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica

Stéphanie McGaw. Corte (France)

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Language certification in French universities: an attempt to bridge the gap between theory and practice
La certificación de idiomas en las universidades francesas: un intento de cerrar la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica

Stéphanie McGaw. Corte (France)


Resumen / Abstract

Since the 1990s the dynamics of Europeanization has been interdependent with education. Indeed, the promotion of multilingualism appears to be a necessity for the creation of a peaceful, secure and prosperous area (Barcelona, Nov. 1995). The European Council (Barcelona, March 2012) acknowledged the necessity to improve the linguistic competences of EU citizens, in particular through the teaching of two foreign languages at an early age, placing thus language learning in a lifelong learning process. This article will consider the way multilingualism can be promoted and assessed in higher education through the integration of the CLES (Higher Education Language Certificate) in French students’ curricula.

Palabras Clave/Keywords

Palabras Clave / Keywords

Certification, CLES, CEFR, French higher education.


Referencias / References

Brémaud, L. & Guillaumin, C. (2010), L'archipel de l'ingénierie de la formation. Transformations, recompositions. Presses universitaires de Rennes, coll. «Des Sociétés».

Huver, E., & Springer, C. (2011). L’évaluation en langues. Didier (Editions).

Lapaire, J.R. (2012). Scènes de langage, certification et approche actionnelle. In: Journée nationale d'études CLES – 2012.

Springer, C. (2005). La certification en langues dans le cadre du LMD. In: Journée d’étude ACEDLE.

Shohamy, E. (2014). The power of tests: A critical perspective on the uses of language tests. Routledge.

Cómo citar/How to cite

Cómo citar / How to cite

McGaw, S. (2015). Language certification in French universities: an attempt to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Certiuni Journal, 1, 68-74. Consultado el [dd/mm/aaaa] en www.certiunijournal.com



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