Microblogging: an online resource to support education and training processes

Esther García-Río, Pedro Baena-Luna, Pedro Palos-Sánchez, Mariano Aguayo-Camacho


The relevance and use of Social Networks (SN) in people's daily lives make them outstanding elements as valid and supportive online resources for education and training processes. Within these SN, the case of microblogging (specifically Twitter) is a potential ally to promote communication, debate, and access to information and documentation for both students and teachers. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth review of the related literature, where we analyze the scientific articles that have addressed the use of microblogging in connection with educational and training activities. The results obtained show that together with a series of benefits of the integrated use of this resource in the educational field, other possible benefits in the field of the development of meta-skills, the improvement of the motivation of the participants together with greater participation and a reflective and critical spirit are also evident.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.54988/cv.2022.2.1013

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