The race to securitize the Arctic in a post-Cold War scenario
The Arctic implies a planetary struggle to stop the rapid change of its ecosystem caused by global climate change, with the global impact it could generate in the future. As a consequence of this first ecological challenge, the Arctic scenario is becoming more interesting for key transnational actors to develop new business opportunities related to mining exploitation, energy reserves and logistics services, where the result will tend to prioritize business and safety on the ecology, reaffirming the meta-tragedy in the Arctic region. Due to the complexity of the Arctic scenario, the preference for intergovernmental forums and the ambiguous interests and roles of its actors, the inadequate trinomial between a global ecological tragedy, an individual economic business and a collective security career will tend to subsist and increase its tragic effects about the environment.
Texto completo:
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Revista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad CISDE
ISSN: 2529-8763