Online co-creation: comparative pilot study on Poland, Ukraine and Spain

Jolanta Sloniec, Anna Kaczorowska, Sabina Motyka


The article presents the process of co-creation on the Internet as an innovative method of product and service innovation development by modern companies. The aim of the article is to present the process of co-creating products on the Internet based on desk studies and own pilot surveys conducted on respondents from three countries: Poland, Ukraine and Spain. The research methods included: desk research, online diagnostic survey in three countries, and statistical methods. The hypothesis is made that the participation of contributors is higher for longer traditions of using the Internet and availability of the Internet in a given country. The main respective hypothesis, which has a high degree of generality, could not be confirmed by the analysis of the rather limited amount of data collected through the survey. To properly test this hypothesis, a considerably wider sample would have been required. However, specific hypotheses have been confirmed or partially confirmed. On the basis of deliberations, author’s division of the online co-creation process into stages was also presented. The conclusions provide recommendations for entrepreneurs intending to engage their clients in products and services co-creation on the Internet and the opportunities for further research.

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International Journal of Information Systems and Software Engineering for Big Companies

ISSN: 2387-0184