Publication Guidelines

Manuscripts Submission


Manuscripts Submission

Manuscripts must be sent exclusively through the Open Journal Systems – OJS.

Three files will be submitted together through the section AUTOHR’S SENDING. The mentioned files are: author’s statement, abstract and manuscript.

Author’s statement


Author’s statement

This file, signed by the author(electronically or scanned), agrees with the editorial policy of the journal and its publication guidelines.

Using License Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial on all publications.

You can download the agreement file here in docx or doc format.




This document must contain:

  1. Fist and last name(s) of the author(s), respecting the order of priority, followed by the city and country (in brackets).

  2. Title of the article (maximum 80 characters).

  3. Title of the article (in Spanish, maximum 80 characters).

  4. Abstract in English (100-150 words).

  5. Abstract in Spanish (100-150 words).

  6. Keywords in English (5 words).

  7. Keywords in Spanish (5 words).

  8. First and last name(s) of the author(s), followed by the professional category, academic centre and institutional email address of each author. It must be indicated the academic qualification of doctor, if any, (by including the title Dr. before the name). Then indicate the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

You can download the form here in docx or doc format.




It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure their submissions are original and have not been published previously or are in the process of being published elsewhere. Moreover, they have to deal with a current and relevant topic.

Manuscripts must be submitted in Arial type, font size 11, single spacing, fully justified and with no tabulations or carriage returns between paragraphs. Only the major blocks of text should be separated by carriage returns (titles, abstracts, keywords and sections). Page setup should be 2.5 cm on vertical margins and 3 cm on vertical margins. Submissions must be in .doc, .docx or .odt.

The length of the text must be 5000/10000 words.

It is important that manuscripts do not contain any information that could disclose the authorship.

Download all the information related to manuscripts here: pdf.

Download the template here: doc.

Bibliographic guidelines


Bibliographic guidelines

Publication guidelines are based on those of the American Psychological Association (APA 6th edition).

Look up publication guidelines in APA´s website: here.


The list of references will be made using the French indentation, according to the following examples (all possible references must contain the doi):


Surnames, C. D.; Surnames, B.; Surnames, C. J. (Year of publication). Article title. Name of the Magazine in italics, volume(number), pp-pp. doi:xx/xxxxxxx.

Surnames, A. (Year of publication). Title of the book in italics. City (Country): Editorial.

Surnames, A. C.; Surnames, J. (Year of publication). Title of the chapter of the book. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book in italics (pp. xxx-xxx). City (Country): Editorial. doi:xx/xxxxxxx.

Surnames, A. C.; Surnames, J. (Year of publication). Title of the communication. In Title of the conference in italics. City (Country). (http://www.xxxxxxxx). (Shortened link with or other similar system must be included).

Surnames, A. A. (Year of publication). Work title. (http://www.xxxxxxxx). (Shortened link with or other similar system must be included).

Surnames, A. (Year of publication). Title of the PhD thesis / Master's degree. (Doctoral Thesis / Master Thesis). City (Country): Institution. (http://www.xxxxxxxx). (Shortened link with or other similar system must be included).


And all references must contain their citations within the article. There can be no references without citations within the article (and vice versa, the same). Ways of citing:


1 author --- (Surnames, Year of publication)

2 authors --- (Surnames Author 1 & Surnames Author 2, Year of publication)

3 authors --- (Surnames Author 1, Surnames Author 2 & Surnames Author 3, Year of publication)

Textual citations: (Surnames Author 1, Surnames Author 2 & Surnames Author 3, Year of publication: pp)

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