CertiUni Journal


The External Review Board of «CertiUni Journal» is a collegiate body whose main role is to maintain this scientific journal’s high standards of excellence by blind peer review, based exclusively on the quality of the content of the manuscripts and performed by experts of international prestige in this field, which is the best guarantee for scientific progress and to keep this journal’s original and valuable scientific work in the forefront.

The review of manuscripts by international experts is the key to selecting those articles that will have the greatest impact on the scientific community. This review process also provides the authors with an objective report on the strong and weak points of their manuscripts once accepted for peer review.

All the reviews carried out by «CertiUni Journal» are based on the standardized international double blind peer review system that ensures author and reviewer´s anonymity. Reviews are audited on the Open Journal System «OJS» which generates an average of five reports per manuscript accepted for review from both national and international reviewers.

The Review Board of «CertiUni Journal» consists of a group of international experts in various subjects who can be members of the Scientific, Review or Technical Boards but their independence and anonymity is guaranteed when acting as manuscript referees.



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